January Round-Up

Well, it's been a busy first month for us at confidencecollaborative - and now we'd like to welcome you to this, our first monthly roundup newsletter!
The year started with a blank white sheet, snow on the hills and opportunity all around. Then, as the snows melted and the water flowed, a flurry of all the planned and unplanned activities and events of life came together and now - already - the first chapter of 2023 is written! How was it for you? From Confidence Collaborative perspective, so far we have...
* launched the new CC Club - sharing the site, including the Library and the Coaching Suite, with around 100 members to date and continually refining as we go.
*gained new followers on LinkedIn and Facebook
*published new content every week, adding posts on psychological safety and performance appraisals for example, and associated tools added to the library
*trialled a group coaching method that we intend to make available soon - email us to register your interest
*created some new marketing videos that we will be sharing soon
*held our first lunchtime live free event of 2023 on managing your performance reviews (- if you missed it you can read the write-up here or watch out for the video going in the Library this week).
*made connections and refined plans for future CC Club content and features
*completed our first in-person meetup and Confidence Collaborative Challenge - this was an exciting outdoor adventure to take us beyond our comfort zone. (More on this to come later!)
And we've only just begun!
What's next...
1.) NEW! The Wellbeing Lounge. We are delighted to announce that a further new section of the membership site is now open!
In the first iteration of the Wellbeing Lounge you will find a wonderful confidence meditation led by expert teacher and CC member Sue Dunham. You will also find some visualisation resources and tools for staying positive and focused. Further great content is planned and will be added over time.
2).February skills workshop - there is still time to book for our small group interview skills workshop on 4th February (£25). This will be an in-depth look at preparing for interviews, encompassing a variety of interview types, tips and techniques for success and opportunities for live practise.
3.)February's lunchtime live event - will be held on Friday 17th February at 1pm. It will be about Managing Emotions in the Workplace. We will be joined by special guest Samantha Jane Littlejohn from Habits of Happiness coaching, who will share her top tips on mastering your emotions and looking after self-care needs to increase your wellbeing and enhance performance at work.
4.) Get Involved - We will be soon be adding some book reviews and additional resource recommendations to the CC Club pages. We want the Confidence Collaborative to be a real community and see this section as a great opportunity for you to get involved in shaping the membership further and support each other with shared learning! So, if you have come across useful resources that have helped you and that you'd be happy to recommend to others, then please do get in touch. Email us and we will connect with you to find out more!
Thank you for being here with us at the start of this very exciting journey! We have had some really encouraging feedback and we look forward to building up this membership with you, and sharing progress as we go!
Maggie and Joanne