Sunny June - CC Round-Up
The sun has been shining here in the UK most of June and just like the sunflowers above, here at the Confidence Collaborative we have been busier than ever reaching for the sky - or at least for our next big goals!
With the overall theme of networking in mind, we started the month by publishing a post reminding the importance of mindset when tackling any self development. Read Joanne's Mindset article here.
We then held our rescheduled May Lunch & Learn covering the topic of Office Politics and were delighted to welcome some new faces on the day. If you missed out - you can read our earlier homepage article on the subject of OfficePolitics, or if you are quick, you can also watch the playback from The Library - Managing Office Politics which is available until the end of June.
Next, we had our June Lunch & Learn on "Making Networking Work for You" - a reminder of all the great benefits of networking and how it doesn't have to be difficult! We followed this up with an article on strategies to overcome a fear of networking. We will also be creating new Networking opportunities as part of our upcoming launch of the Confident Career Club so stay in touch to learn more!
What's Coming Up?
We are getting excited about our first festival event. Womanifest festival in Cheshire on 15th & 16th July - come and see us in person there - you can even get discount with the code "SUB20".
At the event, Joanne will be selling her guided journal which takes you on an adventure of self-discovery and leads to a more positive and successful mindset. She also has cheerfully bright notebooks which uplift your mood, especially in those mindlessly dull meetings you wish you weren't part of! If you can't make it to Womanifest, you can still buy the journal and the notebooks on Amazon - just click on the button-links below!

Lunch and Learn -Getting visible & noticed!
July's Lunch & Learn - will be on improving your Visibility in the Workplace - so if you know self-promotion is one of the things you find challenging, why not register for the event and come along to our online session - Friday 21st July @ 1pm.
The Confident Career Club

Exciting changes are coming to very soon!
We have been delighted with the progress of Confidence Collaborative membership site in the first half of 2023 and now we intend to take a big deep breath... and our next big step! In July, we will be launching the paid-for version of membership - the Confident Career Club.
Want to fulfil your potential and push for more fulfilment from your working life? Never sure where to turn when you need support for your workplace wellbeing or career development challenges? Need an instant 'best friend' who gets you and understands what you are going through, and can offer helpful career advice without judgement? Then the Confident Career Club is for you!
We will be sharing details of how to sign up very soon!
As part of the launch preparations, we will be making a few changes to the structure of the website. You will still have available the free resources and these will be all conveniently stored in one place - the Free Resources page. The clubrooms such as the Library, Coaching Suite and Wellbeing Suite will join the Challenge Suite, Members Lounge and Academy in the CC Club pages. There will be insightful interviews and conversations, expert led masterclasses, mini coaching bursts to make you think, regular coaching opportunities and networking. If you want to get serious about growing your confidence and build the courage to get the career you want, then this will be the place to be!
Whilst we would love to keep offering all of the current resources without a charge, the IT costs, system and admin costs are ever increasing so our Lunch and Learn on-demand videos will be moving over to the 'Academy' within Confident Career Club paid-for membership. You can still attend online for free on the day, and we will continue to provide some summary articles related to the free content online.
We hope you have had an equally productive June! Looking forward to connecting with many of you directly in the upcoming July events!
Maggie and Joanne