Should I leave my job?

If you asked yourself how you were feeling about your role, what would your answer be?

Should I leave my job?
Photo by Junseong Lee / Unsplash

Deciding whether it's time to leave your job is a significant decision that should be carefully considered. It's not easy to do and there are always many reasons to stay even if it is painful to do so.

An article (9th March 2022) from the Pew Research Center cites low pay (63%), no opportunities for advancement (63%) and feeling disrespected (57%) as some of the key reasons why people are left their job in 2021 in the U.S.  

We've also had the Great Resignation, the Great Retirement and Quiet Quitting to state a few 'labels' for reasons why people are leaving their current employment.

However if you have a lingering sense of unfulfillment or apathy, or just feel demotivated to give your all to your current role, then maybe its productive to not walk past these emotions, there could be something to learn from starting to dig into them.

If you asked yourself how you were feeling about your role, what would your answer be?

The Signs

Here are some signs that may indicate it's time for you to start exploring other job opportunities:

  1. Lack of Growth and Development: If you feel stuck in your current role and there are limited opportunities for advancement or skill development, it might be time to seek a job that allows you to grow both professionally and personally.
  2. Constant Stress and Burnout: If you find yourself consistently stressed, exhausted, and burned out due to the demands of your job, it can have a detrimental effect on your physical and mental well-being. The cliché 'If you do not make time for wellness, you will be forced to make time for illness' may be helpful to consider in this situation.
  3. Toxic Work Environment: A toxic work culture with constant conflict, lack of support, or unhealthy competition can be emotionally draining and detrimental to your overall happiness and productivity.
  4. No Passion for the Work: When you no longer feel passionate or motivated about the tasks you perform, and your job feels like a chore, it may be a sign that you need to explore other options that align better with your interests and values.
  5. Lack of Recognition and Appreciation: Feeling undervalued and unappreciated for your efforts can lead to a lack of job satisfaction and diminished morale.
  6. Reduction in Benefits or Salary: If your employer is cutting back on benefits, salary, or opportunities for growth, it can negatively impact your financial stability and job satisfaction.
  7. Company Instability: If your company is facing financial difficulties or there is a high turnover rate among employees, it may be a sign of potential problems that could impact your job security.
  8. Change in Company Values: If your company undergoes a significant shift in values or direction that no longer aligns with your own, it may create a disconnect that affects your job satisfaction.
  9. Feeling Underutilized or Overqualified: If you believe that your skills and talents are not being utilised to their full potential or if you have outgrown your current role, it may be time to explore opportunities elsewhere.
  10. Health Issues: If your job is causing or exacerbating health problems, such as chronic stress, anxiety, or other physical ailments, it's crucial to prioritise your well-being.

Did you recognise any of these issues?

Are you being honest with yourself?  I'll ask again - did any of these issues resonate with you?

If they did, ask yourself - are you prepared to make any changes, even small ones?

Start to think about how much you are prepared to do to make a change.

Do you need to let go of some beliefs?

Do you need to reset your goals or amend them to make it easier to change?

There may be constraints or obstacles to overcome to make changes so how can you do this? Can you assess the effort required?  Which are simple and which are not? What will you need help with? Who can help you? What research do you need to do?

By challenging your assumptions, beliefs and thought processes by yourself and with others, new ideas and options may surface.

You have a choice here on whether to explore possibilities. No big decisions have to be taken straight away.  Acknowledge your emotions and recognise that something will need to move for you to manage the way you are feeling at work.

That's one step forward.

Next, be curious about what it is you don't like about your role. Is it people, environment, the job itself, the culture - check back with the reasons above.

Before making any big decisions, take time to reflect on your situation, consider potential solutions, and consult with trusted friends, family, or career advisors. Sometimes, discussing your concerns with your supervisor or HR department can lead to positive changes in your current job as well. However, if the issues persist and affect your overall happiness and well-being, it might be best to start looking for new opportunities that better suit your needs and aspirations.

If you need independent support to help you figure out why you may be feeling lost, stuck or de-motivated, then get in touch and have a chat. There may be different resources tools, or avenues we can help you explore. Send us an email to

Or book a free, no obligation catch up with us.

Be in charge of your career.  Remember you are the driver of your own destiny!

Joanne and Maggie