Stop Procrastinating : Embrace Confident Decision- Making

Stop Procrastinating : Embrace Confident Decision- Making
Photo by Toa Heftiba / Unsplash

Decsion making and procrastination are two common challenges we all face in our lives. At times, these behaviors can hinder our productivity and well-being. However, it's crucial to recognise that procrastination and indecision often share common roots and can be overcome with the right strategies. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind procrastination and difficulty in making decisions and provide practical tips to tackle these issues effectively.

Why We Struggle with Decision-Making

Decision-making difficulties often go hand-in-hand with procrastination. The inability to make decisions can lead to procrastination, and vice versa. Here are some reasons why making decisions can be challenging:

  1. Fear of Making the Wrong Choice: The fear of making a mistake or choosing poorly can paralyse us. It's human nature to want to avoid negative outcomes.
  2. Overthinking: When we overanalyse options and dwell on potential consequences, decision-making becomes arduous. The more we think, the more uncertain we may become.
  3. Perfectionism: Perfectionists may struggle to make decisions because they want every choice to be flawless. This constant striving for perfection can lead to decisional procrastination.
  4. Lack of Information: A lack of sufficient information can make decisions challenging. We may delay until we feel we have all the facts, which can lead to analysis paralysis.
  5. Decision Fatigue: The mental energy required for making decisions can be exhausting. After a long day of making choices, we may lack the mental energy to make additional decisions, leading to procrastination.

Why We Procrastinate

Procrastination is a behavior characterised by the delay or avoidance of tasks or decisions. It can be frustrating and counterproductive, but understanding its underlying causes can help us address it more effectively. Here are some reasons why we procrastinate:

  1. Lack of Motivation: When a task lacks personal meaning or seems uninteresting, we may struggle to find the motivation to start it. Procrastination can be a way to avoid these uninspiring tasks.
  2. Fear of Failure: The fear of not succeeding or meeting our own or others' expectations can lead to procrastination. Delaying a task may provide temporary relief from this fear.
  3. Perfectionism: Setting impossibly high standards for ourselves can lead to procrastination. We might postpone tasks because we want them to be perfect, and we fear falling short of our own expectations.
  4. Task Overwhelm: When a task appears too complex or overwhelming, it can be paralysing. Procrastination may result from uncertainty about where to start or how to tackle the task.
  5. Distractions: Modern technology, constant notifications, and access to entertainment can easily divert our attention from important tasks, leading to procrastination.
  6. Decisional Procrastination: Sometimes, we procrastinate because we need to make a decision, and we're uncertain about the best choice. Avoiding the decision temporarily relieves the pressure.
  7. Task Aversion: Tasks that we find boring or unenjoyable can trigger procrastination as we seek to avoid discomfort.
  8. Overwhelm: A long list of responsibilities or tasks can lead to feelings of overwhelm. Procrastination may be a coping mechanism when it all feels like too much.
  9. Lack of Goal Clarity: Without clear goals and priorities, it's easy to become indecisive and put off important tasks.
  10. Low Energy or Burnout: Physical and mental fatigue can contribute to procrastination. When we're drained, we may lack the energy to tackle tasks.

Strategies to Tackle Procrastination and Decision-Making

Now that we understand some of the root causes of procrastination and decisional difficulties, let's explore strategies to overcome these challenges and enhance productivity:

Addressing Procrastination:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve and break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. Clear objectives provide motivation and direction.
  2. Prioritise Tasks: Use methods like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks by urgency and importance. Focus on tasks that are both urgent and important.
  3. Create a To-Do List: Writing down tasks and prioritising them can help you stay organised and visualise your responsibilities.
  4. Time Management Techniques: Experiment with techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves focused work intervals followed by short breaks. This can boost concentration and reduce procrastination.
  5. Eliminate Distractions: Identify common distractions and minimize them. Turn off notifications, block distracting websites, or find a quiet workspace.
  6. Set Deadlines: Even for tasks with no external deadlines, create your own. Self-imposed deadlines instill a sense of urgency.
  7. Start Small: If a task feels overwhelming, begin with a small portion. Once you start, you may find it easier to continue.
  8. Use the Two-Minute Rule: If a task takes two minutes or less, do it immediately to prevent small tasks from piling up.
  9. Reward Yourself: Establish a reward system for completing tasks. Knowing a reward awaits can boost motivation.
  10. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself if you slip up. Instead of dwelling on past procrastination, focus on moving forward.

Enhancing Decision-Making:

  1. Set a Deadline for Decisions: Give yourself a specific timeframe to make decisions. This prevents prolonged indecision.
  2. Limit Options: When faced with numerous choices, limit the options to a manageable number. Fewer choices make decisions less overwhelming.
  3. Seek Advice: Consult with trusted friends, family, or colleagues for their input on important decisions. Sometimes, an outside perspective can provide clarity.
  4. Use a Decision-Making Framework: Consider using decision-making frameworks like the Pros and Cons list or the Decision Matrix to structure your choices.
  5. Visualise Outcomes: Imagine the potential consequences of each decision. Visualization can help clarify your priorities.
  6. Trust Your Gut: Intuition can be a valuable tool in decision-making. If you have a strong instinct about a choice, consider following it.
  7. Practice Decision-Making: Like any skill, decision-making improves with practice. Start with smaller decisions to build confidence.

The Intersection of Procrastination and Decision-Making:

Recognise that procrastination and decisional difficulties are often intertwined. When you procrastinate, it can be because you're delaying a decision or action. By addressing both challenges simultaneously, you can break the cycle.

  1. Mindfulness and Self-Awareness: Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings when you start to procrastinate or struggle with a decision. Understanding your triggers can help you address them.
  2. Embrace Imperfection: Accept that not all decisions will be perfect, and not all tasks will be completed flawlessly. Perfectionism can fuel both procrastination and decisional difficulties.
  3. Set Aside Time for Reflection: Schedule time to reflect on your decisions and tasks. This can help you avoid impulsive choices and procrastination born out of stress.

Procrastination and decision-making challenges are common obstacles that can hinder productivity and well-being. However, by understanding the underlying reasons for these behaviors and implementing practical strategies, we can effectively tackle procrastination and enhance our decision-making abilities.

If you need help working through some challenges you may be procrastinating about or idenitfiying your reasons for such behaviour then get in touch. You can book a call with us or email us at

You can also join us on Friday 24th November at 12pm to take part in our last lunch and learn of 2023 all about Self-Doubt and why we have it and what we can do to overcome it.

Visit our Events Page to register. Or watch out for the email with all the links coming out later this week.

Joanne and Maggie