Being brave and being seen!

We have been getting out and about recently with our weekend trip to Womanifest event in Cheshire, where we connected with lots of inspiring women and Maggie was also braving the Wim Hof Ice Warrior challenge - more about that another time! It was a lovely supportive space with women from different walks of life encouraging each other. We had some interesting conversations about the new updgraded fabulous career elevating membership (our Confident Career Club) and gained further insights about what kind of support women are looking for in their working lives.

We would love for more of you to share your thoughts via our survey... here is the link, or you can also scan the QR code below to access:

We will share the results with you as soon as we have some great data pulled together.
Welcome to Aina.
We're delighted to have had the support of the lovely and talented Aina who created the survey and is helping with some marketing this summer, having recently graduated from Queen Margaret University. Welcome to the Confidence Collaborative Aina! We hope you are enjoying the challenge!

Lunch and Learn
On Friday 21st July at 1pm we have our last Lunch and Learn before summer break.
We will be talking about Visibility in the Workplace, so if you tend to hide your light, or often feel unseen then come along and join in the discussion! Let us know you intend to be there by booking a free ticket through Eventbrite.
Otherwise join us via this link at 1pm Uk time
We will be back in September for the 3 remaining sessions of 2023.
The CC Club
As mentioned above, it's finally here. Woohoo !
We are opening our doors to welcome you inside of our new updated Club - more to come in detail on this in the coming weeks but you can already sign up now and upgrade your free membership.
There are two ways to elevate your career. One with and the other without, one to one coaching. We will be inviting everyone to a welcome meeting where we will show you more about the club and what's on offer.

You can head over to The Confident Career Club and find out more today.
If you are heading off for summer holidays then enjoy the break. We are continuing to work hard on developing the membership further and organising our initial 'community connect' meeting, building valuable masterclasses and organising group coaching accountability sessions. You will be able to attend these on a 'pay as you go' basis even if you don't upgrade as we don't want anyone to miss out.
So be sun safe and see you soon at our summer welcome session.
Maggie and Joanne